HealGyn. New Life. New Idea.

We are team of talented designers making product in healthcare

Happy Clients


Years of experience



Gold Medal Issued by the 7th international invention innovation competition in Canada (ICAN2022), Toronto, Canada · Aug 2022 Leading Innovation Award Issued by the 7th international invention innovation competition in Canada (ICAN2022), Toronto, Canada · Aug 2022 Special Award Issued by the 7th international invention innovation competition in Canada (ICAN2022), Toronto, Canada · Aug 2022

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide sustainable and safe solutions for livestock and women's health, minimizing the economic impact of uterine infections and reducing reliance on traditional antibiotics. Our medicines offer safe and effective relief from symptoms for both humans and animals with infectious diseases of the genital tract while promoting long-term vaginal health.

Our Plan

Our innovative formula utilizes natural ingredients to target the root causes of infections, eliminate harmful bacteria, and restore normal vaginal flora. Users can feel confident and comfortable using our trusted solutions, which are supported by clinical research and recommended by healthcare professionals.

Our Vision

Our vision is to provide effective and affordable solutions for the treatment of uterine diseases and the improvement of vaginal health.

Human Vaginal infections


  • Vaginal infections in humans can occur due to a variety of reasons, such as bacterial, fungal, or viral infections. The most common types of vaginal infections in humans are bacterial vaginosis, yeast infections, and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, or trichomoniasis.

  • The symptoms of a vaginal infection in humans can vary depending on the type of infection. Some common symptoms include itching, burning, swelling, soreness, pain during intercourse or urination, and abnormal vaginal discharge that may be thick, white, yellow, or green in color and have a foul odor.

  • Diagnosing a vaginal infection in humans typically involves a physical examination and laboratory tests to identify the underlying cause of the infection. Treatment options may include antibiotics or antifungal medications, depending on the type of infection. In the case of STIs, both partners will need to receive treatment to prevent re-infection.

  • Preventing vaginal infections in humans involves maintaining good hygiene practices, such as avoiding douching or using scented products in the vaginal area, wearing cotton underwear, and practicing safe sex to prevent STIs. Additionally, it's important to maintain a healthy lifestyle, such as eating a balanced diet, staying hydrated, and getting enough sleep, as these factors can also affect the body's immune system and increase the risk of vaginal infections.

Animal Vaginal infections


  • Vaginal infections in animals can occur due to a variety of reasons, such as bacterial, fungal, or viral infections. The most common causes of vaginal infections in animals are bacterial infections, which can result from poor hygiene or underlying medical conditions.
  • The symptoms of a vaginal infection in animals can vary, but some of the most common signs include excessive vaginal discharge, odor, itching, and discomfort or pain during urination. Animals with a vaginal infection may also exhibit behavioral changes, such as increased restlessness, irritability, or lethargy.
  • Diagnosing a vaginal infection in animals typically involves a physical examination and laboratory tests to identify the underlying cause of the infection. Treatment options may include antibiotics or antifungal medications, along with supportive care such as keeping the affected area clean and providing pain relief if necessary.
  • Preventing vaginal infections in animals involves maintaining good hygiene practices, regular veterinary check-ups, and addressing any underlying medical conditions that may increase the risk of infection. Additionally, pet owners should be aware of the signs and symptoms of a vaginal infection in their animals and seek veterinary care promptly if they suspect an infection is present.


Check our Services


Today, antibiotics are widely used for disease prevention in livestock; however, one of the major problems associated with their widespread use is the acceleration of antibiotic resistance in target bacterial strains. This gradual increase in resistance renders common antibiotics less effective, ultimately leaving farmers struggling with poor livestock health and a lack of affordable and effective medicine.

Pre & post score (Endoclean)

The comparison of vaginal infection scores before and after the use of Endoclean in dairy cows


• No need to keep time in milking or slaughtering activities, after product apply

• No need to additional antibiotics and chemical antimicrobial compounds

• Avoiding consequences such as residual compounds in meat and milk

• Prevention of the microbial resistance

• Long-acting effect, so no necessity to re-apply the treatment

• Formulation in the form of a gel with suitable viscosity and shear-thinning nature capable of intrauterine injection.

• Proper packaging by placing all the necessary equipment to administer the medicine

• Cost-effectiveness in terms of price and long-term effect

Letter of Satisfaction

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque

The yield of the product over time

The results of using the HealGyn product, Endoclean, can be observed 4 days after consumption, and the medicine has one-year expiration date


Alginic Acid Sodium Salt from Brown Algae (Medium Molecular Weight) ...

Data Sheet of chitosan Pdf

Chitosan from shrimp shells ...


R&D Team

Dr. Mohammad Mokhtar Zadegan

Chief executive officer - R&D

Dr. Gholamhossein Yousefi

Production Manager-R&D

Dr. Abbas Rowshanghasrodashti

Clinical Advisor- R&D

Dr. Nader Tanide


Dr. Hajar Kazemiafshar

Technical & Quality Assurance Officer

Dr. Samaneh Kazemiafshar


Dr. Mitra Soltanian

R&D Coordinator

Mrs. Seyedehmaryam Niroomandhosseini

R&D Coordinator


Development, Production, Sales & Finance Team

Dr. Mohammad Mokhtar Zadegan

Chief executive officer - R&D

Mrs. Sepideh Hosseininaghavi

Sales Manager

Mr. Mousa Omranvahedi

Financial Manager

Dr. Mitra Soltanian


Mrs. Seyedehmaryam Niroomandhosseini



Contact Us

Our Address

111 Carlson Dr, ON, Canada

Fars Science and Technology Park, Shiraz, Fars Province, IRAN